Asanas for Weight Gain: Effective Yoga Poses to Build Muscle Mass
Nov 22, 2024

Are you searching for natural and effective solutions for weight gain? Underweight is a concerning issue among youngsters, but yoga can help! How? Yoga stimulates your appetite, eventually leading to weight gain. Let's Learn More About It!
Table of Contents:
- How Does Yoga Help With Weight Gain?
- Explore Top 5 Effective Asanas For Weight Gain and How To Practise Them
- Maintain A Healthy Diet During Yoga Asanas For Weight Gain Sessions
- Conclusion
- FAQs
Being underweight can really take a toll on your confidence and how you feel about yourself. Yoga, practised for centuries to promote overall well-being, can help. How does yoga asanas help with weight gain? In Ayurveda, yoga balances the energies in our body, enhances harmony and promotes muscle growth. Yoga asanas help you boost your metabolism and stimulate your appetite. Here we will explain what yoga poses work for weight gain and how. Are you ready to accelerate your weight gain journey with yoga?
How Does Yoga Help With Weight Gain?
Let’s change your perception on the potential of yoga, do you know yoga is more than just a collection of physical exercises? Yoga is an incredible way for natural weight gain and overall well being. Yoga asanas target the obstacles like poor digestion, lack of appetite and stress then triggers weight gain by improving nutrient absorption, stimulating appetite and strengthening muscles. However, yoga asanas do not directly gain weight, yoga acts as a booster when associated with a healthy diet. Here are some yoga asanas for weight gain, listed below and understand how to gain weight by yoga:
Explore Top 5 Effective Asanas For Weight Gain and How To Practise Them
1. Fish Pose (Matsyasana): Fish pose stretches the chest, throat, and the front of the neck, while also stimulating the muscles of the back.
Steps to perform fish pose:
- Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in a lotus pose.
- Slowly lie your back on the floor.
- Place your forearms and elbows on the floor.
- Arch your back, lifting your chest toward the ceiling, while your head gently drops back toward the floor.
- Press the tops of your feet and thighs into the floor.
- Stay in the pose for a few breaths.
- To release, gently lower your chest and head back to the floor, and return to a seated position. Then repeat.
Fish Pose will boost your appetite, improve digestion, improve circulation and strengthen muscles, this is how asanas for weight gain helps.
2. Thunderbolt pose (Vajrasan): It is one of the few asanas that can be practised immediately after eating because it aids digestion.
Steps to perform Thunderbolt Pose:
- Kneel down with your thighs touching each other.
- Slowly sit on your heels. Keep your shoulders relaxed.
- Place your hands on your thighs.
- Elongate the spine from the tailbone to the crown of your head.
- Focus on deep, steady breathing through the nose.
- Stay in this position for a few minutes and then repeat.
Thunderbolt pose aids in digestion, boosts energy, vitality and improves nutrient absorption. That is how asanas for weight gain works.
3. Wheel Pose (Chakrasana): Advanced backbend yoga posture that opens up the chest, strengthens the arms, legs, and spine, and increases flexibility.
Steps to perform wheel pose:
- Lie flat, bend your knees, and spread your feet apart.
- Slowly raise your arms and bring your palms beside shoulders.
- Press feet into the floor, and lift your hips into a bridge position.
- Maintain the backbend for 5-10 breaths.
- Then slowly lower your body down.
Chakrasana helps strengthen your core muscles, improve digestion, reduce stress and improve vitality. It is one of the best yoga for weight gain.
4. Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana): A backbend yoga pose that primarily stretches the chest, spine, and abdomen, while also strengthening the arms, shoulders, and wrists.
Steps to perform urdhva mukha svanasana:
- Lie flat on your stomach on the floor with your legs extended behind you.
- Place your palms flat on the floor beside your shoulder. .
- Straighten your arms, begin to lift your chest off the ground
- Your spine should gently arch.
- Stay in the pose for 5-10 breaths, continuing to lengthen through the spine and chest while maintaining a steady, relaxed breath.
- Slowly lower your body back to the floor.
Urdhva mukha svan asana for weight gain is effective because it will improve your metabolism and build mass muscle. It is known to be one of the best yoga poses for weight gain.
5. Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana): This pose is highly beneficial for stimulating the thyroid, improving circulation, and strengthening core muscles.
Steps to perform Shoulder Stand Pose:
- Lie flat on your back on the floor with your arms at your sides and legs extended.
- Lift both legs up toward the ceiling while keeping them straight.
- Bend your elbows and place your hands on your lower back for support.
- Press your arms into the floor and gently lift your hips off the ground, bringing your legs straight up over your shoulders.
- The weight should be on your shoulders and upper arms, not on your neck or head.
- Your legs should be straight and active, with your feet flexed.
- Maintain the position for 15-30 seconds or longer with a steady breath.
- Then gently lower your legs over your head, keeping them straight, and roll your spine back down to the floor.
Shoulder Stand Pose will help in flexibility, enhance hormonal balance and improve nutrient absorption. It is also considered the best yoga for weight gain.
Maintain A Healthy Diet During Yoga Asanas For Weight Gain Sessions
Foods to include in your diet for weight gain
Protein rich food, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates are essential for natural weight gain.
Eating in moderation
Eat slowly, chew food thoroughly to aid digestion and promote a sense of satisfaction. Minimize distractions while eating, such as watching TV or using electronic devices, to focus fully on the act of eating and promote mindful consumption.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support digestion, metabolism, and overall health. Herbal teas, coconut water, and freshly squeezed fruit juices can also contribute to hydration and nutrient intake.
Meal Timing
Avoid irregularity in meal times, maintain a proper scheduled meal timings and try following it religiously. Also avoid long fasts as it can delay or irregulate your metabolism and lower energies.
We understand that being underweight is often not a matter of choice. Gaining weight can be a huge challenge. But now you know it is possible to achieve a healthy weight with a well-planned diet naturally and best yoga for weight gain. Incorporating yoga asanas into your daily routine, combined with a balanced diet, offers a natural approach to healthy weight gain. Asanas for weight gain helps by harmonising a protein-rich, nutrient-dense diet to improve metabolism, promote nutrient absorption, and support muscle growth. Consistency in practice and mindful eating are key to seeing positive results. By integrating yoga with a healthy diet, you can achieve sustainable weight gain, boost your energy levels, and improve your overall well-being.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ayurvedic herbs, weight gain yoga asanas, Vata-Pitta diet, balanced lifestyle and abhyanga may help gain weight easily and healthily.
Poses for muscle building, improved digestion, increased appetite, enhanced circulation and energy assists in gaining weight.
The Kapalbhati Pranayama and Bhastrika Pranayama are effective for weight gain. Kapalbhati helps improve digestion and metabolism, which can stimulate appetite.
Increase Calorie Intake, eat more frequently, strength training and yoga asanas for weight gain, protein-rich foods and hydration is essential for healthy weight gain.
The Prana Mudra is considered beneficial for weight gain enhance the flow of energy throughout the body, promoting better digestion, increased appetite, and overall vitality.
Yes, certain poses focus on building muscle strength, which can lead to an increase in lean body mass, contributing to weight gain.
Thunderbolt, chakrasana, Shoulder Stand Pose and fish pose, these asanas for weight gain work efficiently.
Yoga improves blood circulation and nutrient absorption in the body. These can help promote your overall health and help you gain weight.