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All About Diabetes: A Complete Guide along with Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

All About Diabetes: A Complete Guide along with Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Aug 23, 2024

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All About Diabetes: A Complete Guide along with Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Diabetes is a very common condition that occurs in many people around the world. It generally occurs due to an imbalance in blood sugar levels. There are various causes and reasons that can affect the fluctuations in overall insulin or blood sugar levels. To balance that, you can opt for several solutions, medicines, and remedies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best treatment for diabetes?

Lifestyle changes, medications, and regular blood sugar monitoring.

What is a good blood sugar level?

Fasting sugar levels should be between 70-99 mg/dl and After meals it should be less than: <140 mg+.

How to reduce blood sugar level?

Eat balanced meals, exercise regularly, stay hydrated, and manage stress. This habitat can help you to reduce your blood sugar levels.

What foods will lower blood sugar quickly?

You can eat Leafy greens, nuts, avocado, and berries along with guava.

What foods raise blood sugar levels?

You should avoid eating junk such as sugary drinks, pastries, and candy.

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