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Cholesterol levels: Ayurvedic Medicine for Cholesterol

Cholesterol levels: Ayurvedic Medicine for Cholesterol

Aug 30, 2024

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Cholesterol levels: Ayurvedic Medicine for Cholesterol

Cholesterol levels are a type of lipid fat that helps your body to perform daily functioning. However, rising cholesterol levels can be a risk to your heart and other organs. It is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases in humans. Cholesterol structures are generally divided into two major types such as good cholesterol levels known as ‘High Density Lipoprotein’ and bad cholesterol levels such as ‘Low Density Lipoprotein’ but to manage these levels people often switch to the Ayurvedic approach rather than any allopathic medications.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What cholesterol level is too low?

An LDL cholesterol level below 40 mg/dL is considered too low and may be associated with potential health risks.

What are the quickest ways to reduce cholesterol?

Increasing soluble fiber intake, such as from oats and legumes, and engaging in regular physical activity can help lower cholesterol levels more quickly.

Which food is bad for cholesterol?

Foods high in saturated fats (like fatty cuts of meat, full-fat dairy) and trans fats (like processed snacks and fried foods) can raise cholesterol levels.

Suggest two cholesterol free oils.

Canola oil and sunflower oil are both cholesterol-free and suitable for cooking.

Suggest some cholesterol care juice?

Juices made from beets and pomegranates are believed to support healthy cholesterol levels.

Which foods reduce cholesterol?

Oats, barley, beans, lentils, almonds, and fatty fish (like salmon and mackerel) are known to help lower cholesterol levels.

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