10 Easy yoga poses for Beginners
Nov 29, 2022

You could feel overpowered by the sheer number of poses and their strange-sounding titles if you are new to yoga. Relax. Follow these instructions to prepare for yoga's "slow and gradual" steps, then roll out on a yoga mat for the best yoga workout for beginners.
When you first begin, it's best to stick to simpler postures; as you advance, you can take on more difficult ones. Start with simple yoga poses and work your way up to more difficult poses.
Easy and Quick Yoga asanas for Beginners-
Mountain pose (Tadasana)
This straight yoga position teaches you how to stand rightly like a mountain. The name Tada derives from the word Tada which shows a mountain. All standing postures are built upon the Mountain Pose, which engages all main muscular groups and helps with attention and focus. Although this position appears to be "just standing," there is actually a lot happening.
Tree pose (Vrksasana)
To improve focus and clarity, learn to breathe while standing, and keep the body balanced on one foot, novices can practise the standing balancing known as the tree. It mimics a tree's steadfast posture.
Warrior | (Virabhadrasana)
In a yoga practice, the warrior position is vital for enhancing strength and endurance. In addition to boosting our confidence, it stretches our hips and thighs and strengthens our core and entire lower body.
Triangle (Trikonasana)
Triangle is a great straight position that opens up the lungs, strengthens the legs, and gives an excellent figure to the entire body. In many yoga traditions, the triangle pose is the foundational standing position.
Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Most yoga exercises use the Downward Dog, which opens and strengthens the entire body. It can be the first pose you pick up when you start practising yoga. It serves as a resting stance and a transitional pose.
Seated forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)
In order to stretch the hamstrings down and the upper back and sides part it is crucial to include a forward bend in your yoga practice. The ideal yoga pose for beginners to begin opening their bodies and learning to breathe through difficult situations is the seated forward bend.
Bridge pose(Setubandhasana)
To bridge the gap between the body and the mind use the bridge position. Backbends are the opposite of forward bends. A good beginner's back bend is called the bridge because it stretch out the front body and strengthens the back body.
Child pose(Balasna)
Balasana, commonly referred to as the child's pose, is a pleasant resting position that stretches the legs, hips, and thighs while calming the mind and releasing stress and tension. Everybody needs a decent resting pose, and child pose is perfect for everyone—yogis at all levels, not just novices.
Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Without the final relaxation position, no yoga session is complete. Although it appears simple, Corpse Pose (Savasana), often known as the corpse pose, has been dubbed the most challenging asana. Throughout the five to ten minutes of final relaxation, you should make an effort to remain alert and in the moment.
Place a folded blanket over your thighs to intensify the sensation of being rooted to the soil. An eye pillow and a block placed right below your navel have a comparable impact.
Do it properly and stay fit.