Ayuvya Genius (Ayurvedic Brain Health Supplement)
Jyotishmati, Meethi vach + 10 other herbs
6779+ reviews

May help in improving memory

May help in improving focus

May help in boosting immunity

May help in improving concentration

May help in relieving stress

Blend of Rare & Powerful Herbs

No Known Side Effects

Power of 10+ herbal ingredients
Powerful Trio ofHerbal Ingredeints

Benefits of Ayuvya Genius

May help in improving memory retention

May help in improving focus & mental strength

May help in boosting immunity & improving brain disorders
Customer Reviews
Based on 6779 reviews

How to use Genius

Step 1
Add 2 drops of Ayuvya Genius to a glass of milk and stir well.

Step 2
Drink every day to boost your brain power.
Note 1 :- If it’s difficult for a child to drink full glass of milk, you can add 2 drop of Ayuvya Genius in 3 Tbsp Milk. It will be easier for the child to drink in one sip after this.
Note 2 :- If a child is lactose intolerant or doesn’t like milk, you can add Ayuvya Genius with Betel Leaf (paan patta), batasha, roti & rice.
Note 3 :- To make Ayuvya Genius sweeter in taste, you can add jaggery/stevia/sugar in our drink
Genius is recommended with

Memory Exercises
Do simple exercises to keep your brain stimulated like puzzles, especially sudoku.

Find a quiet, calm place and meditate for at least 20-25 minutes daily to keep your mind well-rested.

Healthy Diet
The brain needs a healthy diet to function well. Nourish it with green leafy vegetables like spinach and nuts like walnuts.
100% Safe & Effective