Ayuvya Brahmi and i-Gain+ Combo
Ashwagandha, Amla, Narkachoor + 6 other herbs
230+ reviews
Helps in improving muscle mass & size

Helps in improving digestion

Helps in boosting appetite

Helps in gaining weight

Helps in boosting brain function

Helps in reducing stress & anxiety

Helps improve sleep quality

Helps in boosting memory


Benefits of Brahmi Capsule

Helps in improving brain function

Helps in boosting memory and relieving stress

Helps in improving sleep quality
Benefits of i-Gain+

Helps in gaining weight better & faster

Helps in absorbing nutrients better

Helps in improving muscle mass & size
Customer Reviews
Based on 230 reviews
How to use Brahmi Capsule

Take Capsule
Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals.
Note 1 :- Pregnant or lactating are advised to consume herbal products under the advice of a physician.
Note 2 :- It is advised to take brahmi capsules with normal temperature water after a meal regularly to see better results.
How to use i-Gain+

Follow this for starting 15 days
Take 1 tablet 15 minutes after lunch & 1 tablet, 15 minutes before dinner.

Follow this after 15 days
Take 2 tablets 15 minutes after lunch & 2 tablets, 15 minutes before dinner.

Make sure to add healthy & protein rich food to your diet for fast & desired results!
Note 1 :- Drink 3-4 L water daily & eat lots of green leafy vegetables.
Note 2 :- Dietary supplements take time & patience. You may see visible results with regular consumption.
Note 3 :- Avoid taking milk, tea or coffee if you feel constipation, rashes or heat in the body. Cleaning of stomach is very important. If your stomach does not clean everyday you can consider consuming isabgol at night.
Note 4 :- There are some cases when you shouldn't use this medicine, such as if you have TB, asthma, ulcers, cancer, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, or any heart or kidney problem, or if you have had any major or minor operation in the last 2 years or if you have a major disease requiring frequent doctor visits.
Brahmi and i-Gain+ is recommended with

Healthy Diet
Brahmi capsules are recommended to be taken daily alongside a healthy and nutritious diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Daily Exercise
Ensure that you practice at least 15-20 minutes of yoga or meditation for one’s mental and physical wellbeing.
100% Safe & Effective