Ayuvya SkinKlean | For Dry, Itchy & Eczema Prone skin
Helps in hydrating, healing & soothing skin
815+ reviews

Helps with Eczema Psoriasis & dryness

Helps in providing intense hydration

Helps in soothing irritated skin

Helps in strengthening skin barrier

Helps in reducing redness & inflammation

Helps in treating skin allergies

Benefits of SkinKlean Elixir

Helps in hyderating dry skin

Helps in strengthening the skin barrier

Helps in eczema
Customer Reviews
Based on 815 reviews

How to use Skinklean Elixir

Step 1
Take 4-5 drops of Ayuvya Skinklean overnight Rejuvenation Elixir on your palm.

Step 2
Rub oil in your palms to activate the ingredients.

Step 3
Apply on your freshly cleansed skin and massage it in upward & outward directions.

Step 4
Let it absorb into your skin & leave it overnight for desired results.
SkinKlean is recommended with

Healthy Diet
Follow a diet that includes fresh juices, green vegetables & fruits. Drink 3 litres of water daily.

Use a face roller to massage your skin, it will help your skin to completely absorb the serum and relax your muscles.
100% Safe & Effective